KSS After School Care
Kinderopvang 2Samen
Various locations around The Hague. Both NSL (2Ridders) and KSS (2Lakeien) have a centre in close proximity to the school.
Laan van Meerdervoort 70, 2517 AN Den Haag (Head office)
Website: www.2samen.nl
Telephone: +31(0)70 338 5500
E-mail: info@2samen.nl
Various locations around Wassenaar and The Hague. Used by families attending VNS and KSS.
Website: www.tasid.nl
Telephone: +31(0)70-511 75 23
E-mail: tasid@xs4all.nl
Zein International Day Care
Various locations around The Hague.
Website: www.zeinchildcare.nl
Head Office: +31 (0)70 3268 263
Day Care Office: +31 (0)70 4445 800
E-mail: info@zeinchildcare.nl