Satisfaction surveys

The results of the satisfaction surveys have recently become known. We have regular (external) satisfaction surveys among students, parents and staff. Across the board, the latest report showed that the HSV scores above the national average and also scores higher than in the previous surveys. The HSV’s vision and mission in our strategic policy plan, elaborated in the school plans, seem to land well and are recognized. Reason for satisfaction, but based on our motto that you should always keep looking for further improvement opportunities, a number of actions will be picked up from the surveys. Per school team it will be examined which improvement actions will be concerned.

The total score for the HSV:

  • Parents give us an 8 (national average = 7.6)
  • Students give us an 8.42 (national average = 8.13)
  • Staff give the HSV an 8.16 (national average = 7.72)